plugin.tx_wsbookmarkpages { view { # cat=plugin.tx_wsbookmarkpages/file; type=string; label=Path to template root (FE) templateRootPath = EXT:bookmarks_likes_ratings/Resources/Private/Templates/ # cat=plugin.tx_wsbookmarkpages/file; type=string; label=Path to template partials (FE) partialRootPath = EXT:bookmarks_likes_ratings/Resources/Private/Partials/ # cat=plugin.tx_wsbookmarkpages/file; type=string; label=Path to template layouts (FE) layoutRootPath = EXT:bookmarks_likes_ratings/Resources/Private/Layouts/ } settings { # cat=plugin.tx_wsbookmarkpages/general; type=boolean; label=Store bookmarks local:If set the bookmarks will be stored in the local storage from the clients browser. storeLocal = 1 # cat=plugin.tx_wsbookmarkpages/general; type=int; label=Local storage TTL (s):Time in seconds bookmarks might be read from the browsers local storage before they get queried from the server. Just used when storeLocal is set. localStorageTTL = 3600 } }