* All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DebugUtility; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Access\Rootline; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Access\RootlineElement; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Domain\Index\PageIndexer\Helper\UriBuilder\AbstractUriStrategy; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Domain\Index\PageIndexer\Helper\UriStrategyFactory; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Domain\Search\MeilisearchDocument\Builder; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\Logging\MeilisearchLogManager; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; /** * A special purpose indexer to index pages. * * In the case of pages we can't directly index the page records, we need to * retrieve the content that belongs to a page from tt_content, too. Also * plugins may be included on a page and thus may need to be executed. * * @author Ingo Renner */ class PageIndexer extends Indexer { /** * Indexes an item from the indexing queue. * * @param Item $item An index queue item * @return bool Whether indexing was successful */ public function index(Item $item) { $this->setLogging($item); // check whether we should move on at all if (!$this->isPageIndexable($item)) { return false; } $this->meilisearch = $this->getMeilisearchConnectionByItem($item); $site = $item->getSite(); $languages = $site->getSite()->getLanguages(); foreach ($languages as $language) { $this->indexPage($item, $language->getLanguageId()); // TODO: Versions for usergroups continue; $contentAccessGroups = $this->getAccessGroupsFromContent($item, $language->getLanguageId()); if (empty($contentAccessGroups)) { // might be an empty page w/no content elements or some TYPO3 error / bug // FIXME logging needed continue; } foreach ($contentAccessGroups as $userGroup) { $this->indexPage($item, $language->getLanguageId(), $userGroup); } } return true; } /** * Checks whether we can index this page. * * @param Item $item The page we want to index encapsulated in an index queue item * @return bool True if we can index this page, FALSE otherwise */ protected function isPageIndexable(Item $item) { // TODO do we still need this? // shouldn't those be sorted out by the record monitor / garbage collector already? $isIndexable = true; $record = $item->getRecord(); if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA']['pages']['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']) && $record[$GLOBALS['TCA']['pages']['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']] ) { $isIndexable = false; } return $isIndexable; } /** * Gets the Meilisearch connections applicable for a page. * * The connections include the default connection and connections to be used * for translations of a page. * * @param Item $item An index queue item * @return array An array of WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\Meilisearch\MeilisearchConnection connections, the array's keys are the sys_language_uid of the language of the connection */ protected function getMeilisearchConnectionByItem(Item $item) { $meilisearchConnections = parent::getMeilisearchConnectionByItem($item); $page = $item->getRecord(); // may use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::hideIfDefaultLanguage($page['l18n_cfg']) with TYPO3 4.6 if ($page['l18n_cfg'] & 1) { // page is configured to hide the default translation -> remove Meilisearch connection for default language unset($meilisearchConnections[0]); } if (GeneralUtility::hideIfNotTranslated($page['l18n_cfg'])) { $accessibleMeilisearchConnections = []; if (isset($meilisearchConnections[0])) { $accessibleMeilisearchConnections[0] = $meilisearchConnections[0]; } $translationOverlays = $this->pagesRepository->findTranslationOverlaysByPageId((int)$page['uid']); foreach ($translationOverlays as $overlay) { $languageId = $overlay['sys_language_uid']; if (array_key_exists($languageId, $meilisearchConnections)) { $accessibleMeilisearchConnections[$languageId] = $meilisearchConnections[$languageId]; } } $meilisearchConnections = $accessibleMeilisearchConnections; } return $meilisearchConnections; } /** * Finds the FE user groups used on a page including all groups of content * elements and groups of records of extensions that have correctly been * pushed through ContentObjectRenderer during rendering. * * @param Item $item Index queue item representing the current page to get the user groups from * @param int $language The sys_language_uid language ID * @return array Array of user group IDs */ protected function getAccessGroupsFromContent(Item $item, $language = 0) { static $accessGroupsCache; $accessGroupsCacheEntryId = $item->getRecordUid() . '|' . $language; if (!isset($accessGroupsCache[$accessGroupsCacheEntryId])) { $request = $this->buildBasePageIndexerRequest(); $request->setIndexQueueItem($item); $request->addAction('findUserGroups'); $indexRequestUrl = $this->getDataUrl($item, $language); $response = $request->send($indexRequestUrl); $groups = $response->getActionResult('findUserGroups'); if (is_array($groups)) { $accessGroupsCache[$accessGroupsCacheEntryId] = $groups; } if ($this->loggingEnabled) { $this->logger->log( MeilisearchLogManager::INFO, 'Page Access Groups', [ 'item' => (array)$item, 'language' => $language, 'index request url' => $indexRequestUrl, 'request' => (array)$request, 'response' => (array)$response, 'groups' => $groups ] ); } } return $accessGroupsCache[$accessGroupsCacheEntryId]; } /** * Determines a page ID's URL. * * Tries to find a domain record to use to build an URL for a given page ID * and then actually build and return the page URL. * * @param Item $item Item to index * @param int $language The language id * @return string URL to send the index request to * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function getDataUrl(Item $item, $language = 0) { $pageId = $item->getRecordUid(); $strategy = $this->getUriStrategy($pageId); $mountPointParameter = $this->getMountPageDataUrlParameter($item); return $strategy->getPageIndexingUriFromPageItemAndLanguageId($item, $language, $mountPointParameter, $this->options); } /** * @param int $pageId * @return AbstractUriStrategy */ protected function getUriStrategy($pageId) { return GeneralUtility::makeInstance(UriStrategyFactory::class)->getForPageId($pageId); } /** * Generates the MP URL parameter needed to access mount pages. If the item * is identified as being a mounted page, the &MP parameter is generated. * * @param Item $item Item to get an &MP URL parameter for * @return string &MP URL parameter if $item is a mounted page */ protected function getMountPageDataUrlParameter(Item $item) { if (!$item->hasIndexingProperty('isMountedPage')) { return ''; } return $item->getIndexingProperty('mountPageSource') . '-' . $item->getIndexingProperty('mountPageDestination'); } # # Frontend User Groups Access # /** * Creates a single Meilisearch Document for a page in a specific language and for * a specific frontend user group. * * @param Item $item The index queue item representing the page. * @param int $language The language to use. * @param int $userGroup The frontend user group to use. * @return PageIndexerResponse Page indexer response * @throws \RuntimeException if indexing an item failed */ protected function indexPage(Item $item, $language = 0, $userGroup = 0) { $accessRootline = $this->getAccessRootline($item, $language, $userGroup); //$this->meilisearch->getService()->getClient()->index($item->getType())->addDocuments(); $result = false; DebugUtility::debug('PageIndexer'); exit(); if ($this->loggingEnabled) { $logSeverity = MeilisearchLogManager::INFO; $logStatus = 'Info'; if ($indexActionResult['pageIndexed']) { $logSeverity = MeilisearchLogManager::NOTICE; $logStatus = 'Success'; } $this->logger->log( $logSeverity, 'Page Indexer: ' . $logStatus, [ 'item' => (array)$item, 'language' => $language, 'user group' => $userGroup, 'index request url' => $indexRequestUrl, 'request' => (array)$request, 'request headers' => $request->getHeaders(), 'response' => (array)$response ] ); } if (!$indexActionResult['pageIndexed']) { $message = 'Failed indexing page Index Queue item: ' . $item->getIndexQueueUid() . ' url: ' . $indexRequestUrl; throw new \RuntimeException($message, 1331837081); } return $response; } /** * Generates a page document's "Access Rootline". * * The Access Rootline collects frontend user group access restrictions set * for pages up in a page's rootline extended to sub-pages. * * The format is like this: * pageId1:group1,group2|groupId2:group3|c:group1,group4,groupN * * The single elements of the access rootline are separated by a pipe * character. All but the last elements represent pages, the last element * defines the access restrictions applied to the page's content elements * and records shown on the page. * Each page element is composed by the page ID of the page setting frontend * user access restrictions, a colon, and a comma separated list of frontend * user group IDs restricting access to the page. * The content access element does not have a page ID, instead it replaces * the ID by a lower case C. * * @param Item $item Index queue item representing the current page * @param int $language The sys_language_uid language ID * @param int $contentAccessGroup The user group to use for the content access rootline element. Optional, will be determined automatically if not set. * @return string An Access Rootline. */ protected function getAccessRootline(Item $item, $language = 0, $contentAccessGroup = null) { static $accessRootlineCache; $mountPointParameter = $this->getMountPageDataUrlParameter($item); $accessRootlineCacheEntryId = $item->getRecordUid() . '|' . $language; if ($mountPointParameter !== '') { $accessRootlineCacheEntryId .= '|' . $mountPointParameter; } if (!is_null($contentAccessGroup)) { $accessRootlineCacheEntryId .= '|' . $contentAccessGroup; } if (!isset($accessRootlineCache[$accessRootlineCacheEntryId])) { $accessRootline = $this->getAccessRootlineByPageId($item->getRecordUid(), $mountPointParameter); // current page's content access groups $contentAccessGroups = [$contentAccessGroup]; if (is_null($contentAccessGroup)) { $contentAccessGroups = $this->getAccessGroupsFromContent($item, $language); } $element = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(RootlineElement::class, /** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ 'c:' . implode(',', $contentAccessGroups)); $accessRootline->push($element); $accessRootlineCache[$accessRootlineCacheEntryId] = $accessRootline; } return $accessRootlineCache[$accessRootlineCacheEntryId]; } /** * Returns the access rootLine for a certain pageId. * * @param int $pageId * @param string $mountPointparameter * @return Rootline */ protected function getAccessRootlineByPageId($pageId, $mountPointParameter) { return Rootline::getAccessRootlineByPageId($pageId, $mountPointParameter); } /** * Builds the Meilisearch document for the current page. * * @return array A document representing the page */ protected function getPageDocument() { /** @var Builder $documentBuilder */ $documentBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Builder::class); $document = $documentBuilder->fromPage($this->page, $this->pageUrl, $this->pageAccessRootline, (string)$this->mountPointParameter); self::$pageMeilisearchDocumentId = $document['id']; return $document; } }