plugin.tx_meilisearch { enabled = {$plugin.tx_meilisearch.enabled} enableDebugMode = 0 general { = d.m.Y H:i } view { pluginNamespace = tx_meilisearch templateRootPaths { 0 = EXT:meilisearch/Resources/Private/Templates/ 10 = {$plugin.tx_meilisearch.view.templateRootPath} } partialRootPaths { 0 = EXT:meilisearch/Resources/Private/Partials/ 10 = {$plugin.tx_meilisearch.view.partialRootPath} } layoutRootPaths { 0 = EXT:meilisearch/Resources/Private/Layouts/ 10 = {$plugin.tx_meilisearch.view.layoutRootPath} } } meilisearch { scheme = {$plugin.tx_meilisearch.meilisearch.scheme} host = {$} port = {$plugin.tx_meilisearch.meilisearch.port} apiKey = {$plugin.tx_meilisearch.meilisearch.apiKey} } index { additionalFields { } // assigns processing instructions to Meilisearch fields during indexing, Meilisearch field = processing instruction fieldProcessingInstructions { changed = timestampToIsoDate created = timestampToIsoDate endtime = timestampToUtcIsoDate rootline = pageUidToHierarchy } queue { pages = 1 pages { initialization = WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\IndexQueue\Initializer\Page // allowed page types (doktype) when indexing records from table "pages" allowedPageTypes = 1,4,7 indexingPriority = 0 indexer = WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\IndexQueue\PageIndexer indexer { // add options for the indexer here } // Only index standard pages and mount points that are not overlayed. additionalWhereClause = (doktype = 1 OR doktype=4 OR (doktype=7 AND mount_pid_ol=0)) AND no_search = 0 //exclude some html parts inside TYPO3SEARCH markers by classname (comma list) excludeContentByClass = typo3-search-exclude fields { sortSubTitle_stringS = subtitle } } } } search { // fields that are allowed to contain html and should be skipped during escaping after retrieval from Meilisearch // by default all fields except url get escaped, you might need to add other url fields here as well because of & // characters in the url. trustedFields = url targetPage = {$} initializeWithEmptyQuery = 0 showResultsOfInitialEmptyQuery = 0 initializeWithQuery = showResultsOfInitialQuery = 0 keepExistingParametersForNewSearches = 0 ignoreGlobalQParameter = 0 query { allowEmptyQuery = 0 allowedSites = __meilisearch_current_site // qf parameter queryFields = content^40.0, title^5.0, keywords^2.0, tagsH1^5.0, tagsH2H3^3.0, tagsH4H5H6^2.0, tagsInline^1.0, description^4.0, abstract^1.0, subtitle^1.0, navtitle^1.0, author^1.0 // fl parameter returnFields = *, score // see minimumMatch = // see boostFunction = // see boostQuery = // see tieParameter = filter { } sortBy = // see // EXT:Meilisearch configures Schemas from Meilisearch to use content field with boost of 2.0 per default. // By enabling of phrase search, Meilisearch will build a phrase queries for a list of defined fields(phrase.fields) and boost the documents containing the terms in defined proximity(phrase.slop). // phrase.querySlop phrase = 0 phrase { // Note: Those are field for implicit phrase searching. On explicit "phrase searching" Meilisearch uses queryFields("qf" parameter) fields = content^10.0, title^10.0, tagsH1^10.0, tagsH2H3^10.0, tagsH4H5H6^10.0, tagsInline^10.0, description^10.0, abstract^10.0, subtitle^10.0, navtitle^10.0 // The number of words between words in query phrase is the slop-value. // e.g. on query phrase "Hello World" // @ slop = 0 will math "Hello World" but not "Hello wonderful World" // @ slop = 1 will math "Hello World" and/or "Hello wonderful World" // Note: this value is for implicit phrase searching(without double quotes) slop = 0 // The concept of query slop is similar to phrase.slop but it applies to the explicit phrase queries from the user and to match documents instead of boosting. // Also if the user uses double quotes in the search term, then // the query slop value is used and // the result contains only the documents with those phrase. // see // Note: this value is for explicit "phrase searching"(with double quotes) querySlop = 0 } // bigram phrase functionality is similar to the Ngram filters, difference is that // filters strip down the words to chars(char combinations) // bigraming phrases strip down the sentence to the two-word combinations(phrases) // e.g. "bigraming phrases strip down the sentence to phrases" generates following // "bigraming phrases" // "phrases strip" // "strip down" // "down the" // "the sentence" // "sentence to" // "to phrases" // Note: The triplets phrases will be stripped down to two two-word phrases bigramPhrase = 0 bigramPhrase { fields = content^10.0, title^10.0, tagsH1^10.0, tagsH2H3^10.0, tagsH4H5H6^10.0, tagsInline^10.0, description^10.0, abstract^10.0, subtitle^10.0, navtitle^10.0 slop = 0 } // Please see bigram phrases. Difference to bi is tri, which means building of triplets phrases. // e.g. "trigraming phrases strip down the sentence to triplets phrases" generates following triplets // "trigraming phrases strip" // "phrases strip down" // "strip down the" // "down the sentence" // "the sentence to" // "sentence to triplets" // "to triplets phrases" trigramPhrase = 0 trigramPhrase { fields = content^10.0, title^10.0, tagsH1^10.0, tagsH2H3^10.0, tagsH4H5H6^10.0, tagsInline^10.0, description^10.0, abstract^10.0, subtitle^10.0, navtitle^10.0 slop = 0 } } results { resultsHighlighting = 0 resultsHighlighting { highlightFields = content fragmentSize = 200 fragmentSeparator = [...] wrap = | } siteHighlighting = 0 resultsPerPage = {$} resultsPerPageSwitchOptions = 10, 25, 50 showDocumentScoreAnalysis = 0 } spellchecking = 0 spellchecking { wrap = |
###LLL:didYouMean### |
| searchUsingSpellCheckerSuggestion = 0 numberOfSuggestionsToTry = 1 } lastSearches = 0 lastSearches { limit = 10 // tracking mode "user" or "global" mode = user } frequentSearches = 0 frequentSearches { useLowercaseKeywords = 0 minSize = 14 maxSize = 32 limit = 20 select { SELECT = keywords as search_term, count(*) as hits FROM = tx_meilisearch_statistics ADD_WHERE = AND num_found != 0 GROUP_BY = keywords ORDER_BY = hits DESC, search_term ASC checkRootPageId = 1 checkLanguage = 1 } // cache lifetime in seconds (default is 86400s = 24h) cacheLifetime = 86400 } sorting = 0 sorting { defaultOrder = asc options { relevance { field = relevance label = Relevance } title { field = sortTitle label = Title } type { field = type label = Type } author { field = sortAuthor label = Author } created { field = created label = Creation Date } } } faceting = 0 faceting { minimumCount = 1 sortBy = count limit = 10 showEmptyFacets = 0 keepAllFacetsOnSelection = 0 facetLinkUrlParameters = facets { type { label = Content Type field = type } } showAllLink.wrap =
  • |
  • } elevation = 0 elevation { markElevatedResults = 1 forceElevation = 1 } variants = 0 variants { expand = 1 // variantField needs to be a string or a numeric field variantField = variantId limit = 10 } } suggest = 0 suggest { numberOfSuggestions = 10 suggestField = spell forceHttps = 0 showTopResults = 1 numberOfTopResults = 5 } statistics = 0 statistics { anonymizeIP = 1 } logging { exceptions = 1 debugOutput = 0 indexing { indexQueueInitialization = 0 missingTypo3SearchMarkers = 1 pageIndexed = 0 queue { pages = 0 } } query { filters = 0 searchWords = 0 queryString = 0 rawPost = 0 rawGet = 0 rawDelete = 0 } } features { requireCHashArgumentForActionArguments = 0 useRawDocuments = 1 } } # Provide typoscript libraries lib.meilisearch_extbase_bootstrap = USER lib.meilisearch_extbase_bootstrap { userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run vendorName = WapplerSystems extensionName = Meilisearch settings < plugin.tx_meilisearch.settings persistence < plugin.tx_meilisearch.persistence view < plugin.tx_meilisearch.view } plugin.tx_meilisearch_PiResults_Results < lib.meilisearch_extbase_bootstrap plugin.tx_meilisearch_PiResults_Results = USER_INT plugin.tx_meilisearch_PiResults_Results { pluginName = pi_results switchableControllerActions { Search { 1 = results 2 = form } } } plugin.tx_meilisearch_PiSearch_Search < lib.meilisearch_extbase_bootstrap plugin.tx_meilisearch_PiSearch_Search { pluginName = pi_search switchableControllerActions { Search { 1 = form } } } plugin.tx_meilisearch_PiFrequentSearches_FrequentSearches < lib.meilisearch_extbase_bootstrap plugin.tx_meilisearch_PiFrequentSearches_FrequentSearches { pluginName = pi_frequentlySearched switchableControllerActions { Search { 1 = frequentlySearched } } }