Initialize Meilisearch connections The Index Administration Module is responsible for emptying the cores(deleting documents) on Meilisearch Server and index queues in TYPO3 CMS. Index emptied for Site "%s" (%s). Index Queue emptied for Site "%s". An error occurred while trying to delete documents from the index: %s Search Index Inspector Search A search form and results list. Successfully switched to Site "%s". The previously selected Site "%s" does not exist or the indexing for that Site was disabled. Switched to "%s", which was the first available one. Couldn't switch to the Site "%s". This site does not exist anymore or the indexing for that Site was disabled. Switched to the first available Site "%s". The previously selected core "%s" is not available in "%s" site, therefore switched to default core "%s". Successfully switched to core "%s". Meilisearch Search Administration Allows you to manage Meilisearch from TYPO3.<br /><em>Access for 'admin' users only!</em> Search Meilisearch Index View the number of documents and fields in your index Meilisearch Statistics Provides several Meilisearch usage statistics Force Re-Indexing of a site Purges the Meilisearch Index and initializes the Index Queue of a site. Index Queue Worker Processes the items in the Index Queue and sends them to Meilisearch. Number of documents to index Forced webroot (only needed when webroot is not PATH_site) Meilisearch Host Meilisearch Port Meilisearch Path Meilisearch Server Site Search is currently not available. We're sorry. The request you tried to make could not be processed. Search Term Did you mean Search Sort by Narrow Search Search narrowed by Show more Show fewer Remove all filters Filter Displaying results @resultsFrom to @resultsTo of @resultsTotal. Found @resultsTotal results in @resultsTime milliseconds. Found 1 result in @resultsTime milliseconds. Searched for "@searchWord". Nothing found for "@searchWord". Showing results for "@suggestedWord". Search instead for "@searchWord". Last searches Frequent searches Relevance File type Referenced at Results per page: We're sorry, there were some errors: Please enter your search term in the box above. First Previous Next Last Top Results The Index Queue manages content indexing. Content enters the Index Queue by initialization below or when new content is created based on configuration. Items in the Index Queue are indexed newest changes first until all items in the queue have been indexed. Reset errors Indexing Errors ID Item Type Item UID Show error An error occurred while indexing manual from the backend. An error occurred while resetting the error log in the index queue. Single item was not requeued. No indexing configurations selected. Initialized indexing configurations: %s Index Queue initialized Index Queue not initialized All errors have been reset. Indexing from the backend was successfully finished. Single item was successfully marked for reindexing. Index Queue Manual Indexing Initializing the Index Queue is the most complete way to force re-indexing, or to build the Index Queue for the first time. The Index Queue Worker scheduler task will then index the items listed in the Index Queue. Errors Indexing Progress Indexed Pending Index Queue Initialization Index Queue Status Clear Index Queue Go back No valid queue item passed to show the error information! Error details for queue item Index now Search: Frequent Searches Search: Form, Result, Additional Components Search: Form only Phrase Number of Queries Number of Results (Average) Percentage No records found. Did you enabled 'plugin.tx_meilisearch.statistics = 1' in the typoscript configuration of your site? Top 5 Search Phrases Top 5 Search Phrases Without Hits Search Phrase Statistics