#!/usr/bin/env bash clear SCRIPTPATH=$( cd $(dirname $0) ; pwd -P ) EXTENSION_ROOTPATH="$SCRIPTPATH/../../../" SOLR_VERSION=8.8.1 JAVA_VERSION=11 SOLR_INSTALL_DIR="/opt/solr" SOLR_HOST="" SOLR_PORT=8983 TESTING=0 APACHE_MIRROR="http://mirror.dkd.de/apache/" APACHE_ARCHIVE="http://archive.apache.org/dist/" # ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- progressfilt () { local flag=false c count cr=$'\r' nl=$'\n' while IFS='' read -d '' -rn 1 c do if $flag then printf '%c' "$c" else if [[ $c != $cr && $c != $nl ]] then count=0 else ((count++)) if ((count > 1)) then flag=true fi fi fi done } # check whether a given resource is available on a mirror # if the resource is found it will download from the mirror # it the resource is not found it will download from Apache archive apachedownload () { # test mirror wget -q --spider "$APACHE_MIRROR$1" if [ $? -eq "0" ] then # download from mirror wget --progress=bar:force "$APACHE_MIRROR$1" 2>&1 | progressfilt else # download from archive wget --progress=bar:force "$APACHE_ARCHIVE$1" 2>&1 | progressfilt fi } # ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- # color echo http://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/colorizing.html black="\033[30m" red="\033[31m" green="\033[32m" yellow="\033[33m" blue="\033[34m" magenta="\033[35m" cyan="\033[36m" white="\033[37m" # Color-echo, Argument $1 = message, Argument $2 = color cecho () { local default_msg="No message passed." # Defaults to default message. message=${1:-$default_msg} # Defaults to black, if not specified. color=${2:-$black} echo -e "$color$message" # Reset text attributes to normal + without clearing screen. tput sgr0 return } # ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- while getopts :d:t FLAG; do case $FLAG in d) SOLR_INSTALL_DIR=$OPTARG ;; t) TESTING=1 ;; \?) #unrecognized option - show help exit 2 ;; esac done if [ $TESTING -eq "1" ]; then INSTALL_MODE="CI Testing" # during testing we use an own custom port SOLR_PORT=8999 else INSTALL_MODE="Development" fi cecho "####################################################################" $red cecho "# This script should be used for development only! #" $red cecho "# #" $red cecho "# It contains no: #" $red cecho "# - Security Updates #" $red cecho "# - Init Scripts #" $red cecho "# - Upgrade possibilities #" $red cecho "# #" $red cecho "####################################################################" $red cecho "Starting installation of Apache Solr with the following settings:" $green cecho "Install Mode: ${INSTALL_MODE} " $green cecho "Solr Version: ${SOLR_VERSION} " $green cecho "Installation Path: ${SOLR_INSTALL_DIR} " $green cecho "Port: ${SOLR_PORT} " $green # ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- cecho "Checking requirements." $green PASSALLCHECKS=1 if [ ! -w "$(dirname $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR)" ] then cecho "ERROR parent directory: ($(dirname $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR)) of install path ($SOLR_INSTALL_DIR) is not writeable." $red PASSALLCHECKS=0 fi wget --version > /dev/null 2>&1 CHECK=$? if [ $CHECK -ne "0" ] then cecho "ERROR couldn't find wget." $red PASSALLCHECKS=0 fi java -version > /dev/null 2>&1 CHECK=$? if [ $CHECK -ne "0" ] then cecho "ERROR couldn't find Java (Oracle Java is recommended)." $red PASSALLCHECKS=0 fi JAVA_VERSION_INSTALLED=$(java -version 2>&1 | grep -Eom1 "[._0-9]{5,}") JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION_INSTALLED=${JAVA_VERSION_INSTALLED%%\.*} # check if java uses the old version number like 1.7.0_11 if [ -n "$JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION_INSTALLED" ] && [ $JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION_INSTALLED -eq 1 ] then # extract the main Java version from 1.7.0_11 => 7 JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION_INSTALLED=${JAVA_VERSION_INSTALLED:2:1} fi # check if java version is equal or higher then required if [ -n "$JAVA_VERSION_INSTALLED" ] && [ $JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION_INSTALLED -lt $JAVA_VERSION ] then cecho "You have installed Java version $JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION_INSTALLED. Please install Java $JAVA_VERSION or newer." $red PASSALLCHECKS=0 fi ping -c 1 mirror.dkd.de > /dev/null 2>&1 CHECK=$? if [ $CHECK -ne "0" ] then cecho "ERROR couldn't ping Apache download mirror, try again using wget" $yellow wget -q --spider http://mirror.dkd.de/apache/ if [ $? -ne "0" ] then cecho "ERROR Also couldn't reach the Apache download mirror using wget. Please check your internet connection." $red PASSALLCHECKS=0 fi fi tar --version > /dev/null 2>&1 CHECK=$? if [ $CHECK -ne "0" ] then cecho "ERROR: couldn't find tar." $red PASSALLCHECKS=0 fi if [ $PASSALLCHECKS -eq "0" ] then cecho "Please install all missing requirements or fix any other errors listed above and try again." $red exit 1 else cecho "All requirements met, starting to install Solr." $green fi # ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- mkdir $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR cd $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR cecho "Getting Apache Solr $SOLR_VERSION" $green # download to downloads folder to be able to cache the file there if [ ! -f downloads/solr-$SOLR_VERSION.tgz ]; then cecho "Starting download" $green mkdir downloads cd downloads apachedownload lucene/solr/$SOLR_VERSION/solr-$SOLR_VERSION.tgz cd .. else cecho "Restore from cache" $green fi cecho "Extracting downloaded solr $SOLR_VERSION" $green tar -C $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR --extract --file "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/downloads/solr-$SOLR_VERSION.tgz" --strip-components=1 cecho "Adjusting solr configuration" $green sed -i -e "s/#SOLR_PORT=8983/SOLR_PORT=$SOLR_PORT/" "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.sh" sed -i -e "s/#SOLR_HOST=\"\"/SOLR_HOST=\"$SOLR_HOST\"/" "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.sh" sed -i -e '/-Dsolr.clustering.enabled=true/ a SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=60 -Dsun.net.inetaddr.negative.ttl=60 -Djetty.host=$SOLR_HOST"' "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.sh" cecho "Remove default configsets" $green rm -fR ${SOLR_INSTALL_DIR}/server/solr/configsets cecho "Copy configsets" $green cp -r ${EXTENSION_ROOTPATH}/Resources/Private/Solr/configsets ${SOLR_INSTALL_DIR}/server/solr cecho "Copy copy solr.xml" $green cp ${EXTENSION_ROOTPATH}/Resources/Private/Solr/solr.xml ${SOLR_INSTALL_DIR}/server/solr/solr.xml cecho "Create default cores" $green cp -r ${EXTENSION_ROOTPATH}/Resources/Private/Solr/cores ${SOLR_INSTALL_DIR}/server/solr cecho "Setting environment" $green source $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr.in.sh cecho "Starting solr" $green $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr start if [ $TESTING -eq "1" ]; then cecho "Keeping download to cache it for next build" $green else cecho "Cleanup download" green rm $SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/downloads/solr-$SOLR_VERSION.tgz fi