* All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\AbstractDataHandlerListener; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Domain\Index\Queue\RecordMonitor\Helper\ConfigurationAwareRecordService; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Domain\Index\Queue\RecordMonitor\Helper\MountPagesUpdater; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Domain\Index\Queue\RecordMonitor\Helper\RootPageResolver; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\FrontendEnvironment; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\GarbageCollector; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\Configuration\ExtensionConfiguration; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\Configuration\TypoScriptConfiguration; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\Logging\SolrLogManager; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\Records\Pages\PagesRepository; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\TCA\TCAService; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Util; use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility; /** * A class that monitors changes to records so that the changed record gets * passed to the index queue to update the according index document. * * @author Ingo Renner */ class RecordMonitor extends AbstractDataHandlerListener { /** * Index Queue * * @var Queue */ protected $indexQueue; /** * Mount Page Updater * * @var MountPagesUpdater */ protected $mountPageUpdater; /** * TCA Service * * @var TCAService */ protected $tcaService; /** * RootPageResolver * * @var RootPageResolver */ protected $rootPageResolver; /** * @var PagesRepository */ protected $pagesRepository; /** * @var SolrLogManager */ protected $logger = null; /** * @var FrontendEnvironment */ protected $frontendEnvironment = null; /** * RecordMonitor constructor. * * @param Queue|null $indexQueue * @param MountPagesUpdater|null $mountPageUpdater * @param TCAService|null $TCAService * @param RootPageResolver $rootPageResolver * @param PagesRepository|null $pagesRepository * @param SolrLogManager|null $solrLogManager * @param ConfigurationAwareRecordService|null $recordService */ public function __construct( Queue $indexQueue = null, MountPagesUpdater $mountPageUpdater = null, TCAService $TCAService = null, RootPageResolver $rootPageResolver = null, PagesRepository $pagesRepository = null, SolrLogManager $solrLogManager = null, ConfigurationAwareRecordService $recordService = null, FrontendEnvironment $frontendEnvironment = null ) { parent::__construct($recordService); $this->indexQueue = $indexQueue ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Queue::class); $this->mountPageUpdater = $mountPageUpdater ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(MountPagesUpdater::class); $this->tcaService = $TCAService ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TCAService::class); $this->rootPageResolver = $rootPageResolver ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(RootPageResolver::class); $this->pagesRepository = $pagesRepository ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(PagesRepository::class); $this->logger = $solrLogManager ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SolrLogManager::class, /** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ __CLASS__); $this->frontendEnvironment = $frontendEnvironment ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FrontendEnvironment::class); } /** * @param SolrLogManager $logger */ public function setLogger(SolrLogManager $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Holds the configuration when a recursive page queing should be triggered. * * Note: The SQL transaction is already committed, so the current state covers only "non"-changed fields. * * @var array * @return array */ protected function getUpdateSubPagesRecursiveTriggerConfiguration() { return [ // the current page has the both fields "extendToSubpages" and "hidden" set from 1 to 0 => requeue subpages 'HiddenAndExtendToSubpageWereDisabled' => [ 'changeSet' => [ 'hidden' => '0', 'extendToSubpages' => '0' ] ], // the current page has the field "extendToSubpages" enabled and the field "hidden" was set to 0 => requeue subpages 'extendToSubpageEnabledAndHiddenFlagWasRemoved' => [ 'currentState' => ['extendToSubpages' => '1'], 'changeSet' => ['hidden' => '0'] ], // the current page has the field "hidden" enabled and the field "extendToSubpages" was set to 0 => requeue subpages 'hiddenIsEnabledAndExtendToSubPagesWasRemoved' => [ 'currentState' => ['hidden' => '1'], 'changeSet' => ['extendToSubpages' => '0'] ] ]; } /** * Hooks into TCE main and tracks record deletion commands. * * @param string $command The command. * @param string $table The table the record belongs to * @param int $uid The record's uid * @param string $value * @param DataHandler $tceMain TYPO3 Core Engine parent object */ public function processCmdmap_preProcess( $command, $table, $uid, /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $value, DataHandler $tceMain ) { if ($command === 'delete' && $table === 'tt_content' && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace == 0) { // skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace $pid = $this->getValidatedPid($tceMain, $table, $uid); $this->indexQueue->updateItem('pages', $pid, time()); } } /** * Hooks into TCE main and tracks workspace publish/swap events and * page move commands in LIVE workspace. * * @param string $command The command. * @param string $table The table the record belongs to * @param int $uid The record's uid * @param string $value * @param DataHandler $tceMain TYPO3 Core Engine parent object */ public function processCmdmap_postProcess($command, $table, $uid, $value, DataHandler $tceMain) { if ($this->isDraftRecord($table, $uid)) { // skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace return; } // track publish / swap events for records (workspace support) // command "version" if ($command === 'version' && $value['action'] === 'swap') { $this->applyVersionSwap($table, $uid, $tceMain); } // moving pages/records in LIVE workspace if ($command === 'move' && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace == 0) { if ($table === 'pages') { $this->applyPageChangesToQueue($uid); } else { $this->applyRecordChangesToQueue($table, $uid, $value); } } } /** * Apply's version swap to the IndexQueue. * * @param string $table * @param integer $uid * @param DataHandler $tceMain */ protected function applyVersionSwap($table, $uid, DataHandler $tceMain) { $isPageRelatedRecord = $table === 'tt_content' || $table === 'pages'; if($isPageRelatedRecord) { $uid = $table === 'tt_content' ? $this->getValidatedPid($tceMain, $table, $uid) : $uid; $this->applyPageChangesToQueue($uid); } else { $recordPageId = $this->getValidatedPid($tceMain, $table, $uid); $this->applyRecordChangesToQueue($table, $uid, $recordPageId); } } /** * Add's a page to the queue and updates mounts, when it is enabled, otherwise ensure that the page is removed * from the queue. * * @param integer $uid */ protected function applyPageChangesToQueue($uid) { $solrConfiguration = $this->getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($uid); $record = $this->configurationAwareRecordService->getRecord('pages', $uid, $solrConfiguration); if (!empty($record) && $this->tcaService->isEnabledRecord('pages', $record)) { $this->mountPageUpdater->update($uid); $this->indexQueue->updateItem('pages', $uid); } else { // TODO should be moved to garbage collector $this->removeFromIndexAndQueueWhenItemInQueue('pages', $uid); } } /** * Add's a record to the queue if it is monitored and enabled, otherwise it removes the record from the queue. * * @param string $table * @param integer $uid * @param integer $pid */ protected function applyRecordChangesToQueue($table, $uid, $pid) { $solrConfiguration = $this->getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($pid); $isMonitoredTable = $solrConfiguration->getIndexQueueIsMonitoredTable($table); if ($isMonitoredTable) { $record = $this->configurationAwareRecordService->getRecord($table, $uid, $solrConfiguration); if (!empty($record) && $this->tcaService->isEnabledRecord($table, $record)) { $uid = $this->tcaService->getTranslationOriginalUidIfTranslated($table, $record, $uid); $this->indexQueue->updateItem($table, $uid); } else { // TODO should be moved to garbage collector $this->removeFromIndexAndQueueWhenItemInQueue($table, $uid); } } } /** * Hooks into TCE Main and watches all record creations and updates. If it * detects that the new/updated record belongs to a table configured for * indexing through Solr, we add the record to the index queue. * * @param string $status Status of the current operation, 'new' or 'update' * @param string $table The table the record belongs to * @param mixed $uid The record's uid, [integer] or [string] (like 'NEW...') * @param array $fields The record's data * @param DataHandler $tceMain TYPO3 Core Engine parent object * @return void */ public function processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations($status, $table, $uid, array $fields, DataHandler $tceMain) { $recordTable = $table; $recordUid = $uid; if ($this->skipMonitoringOfTable($table)) { return; } if ($status === 'new' && !MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($recordUid)) { $recordUid = $tceMain->substNEWwithIDs[$recordUid]; } if ($this->isDraftRecord($table, $recordUid)) { // skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace return; } try { $recordPageId = $this->getRecordPageId($status, $recordTable, $recordUid, $uid, $fields, $tceMain); // when a content element changes we need to updated the page instead if ($recordTable === 'tt_content') { $recordTable = 'pages'; $recordUid = $recordPageId; } $this->processRecord($recordTable, $recordPageId, $recordUid, $fields); } catch (NoPidException $e) { $message = 'Record without valid pid was processed ' . $table . ':' . $uid; $this->logger->log(SolrLogManager::WARNING, $message); } } /** * Check if the provided table is explicitly configured for monitoring * * @param string $table * @return bool */ protected function skipMonitoringOfTable($table) { static $configurationMonitorTables; if (empty($configurationMonitorTables)) { $configuration = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ExtensionConfiguration::class); $configurationMonitorTables = $configuration->getIsUseConfigurationMonitorTables(); } // No explicit configuration => all tables should be monitored if (empty($configurationMonitorTables)) { return false; } return !in_array($table, $configurationMonitorTables); } /** * Process the record located in processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations * * @param string $recordTable The table the record belongs to * @param int $recordPageId pageid * @param mixed $recordUid The record's uid, [integer] or [string] (like 'NEW...') * @param array $fields The record's data */ protected function processRecord($recordTable, $recordPageId, $recordUid, $fields) { if ($recordTable === 'pages') { $configurationPageId = $this->getConfigurationPageId($recordTable, $recordPageId, $recordUid); if ($configurationPageId === 0) { return; } $rootPageIds = [$configurationPageId]; } else { try { $rootPageIds = $this->rootPageResolver->getResponsibleRootPageIds($recordTable, $recordUid); if (empty($rootPageIds)) { $this->removeFromIndexAndQueueWhenItemInQueue($recordTable, $recordUid); return; } } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->removeFromIndexAndQueueWhenItemInQueue($recordTable, $recordUid); return; } } foreach ($rootPageIds as $configurationPageId) { $solrConfiguration = $this->getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($configurationPageId); $isMonitoredRecord = $solrConfiguration->getIndexQueueIsMonitoredTable($recordTable); if (!$isMonitoredRecord) { // when it is a non monitored record, we can skip it. continue; } $record = $this->configurationAwareRecordService->getRecord($recordTable, $recordUid, $solrConfiguration); if (empty($record)) { // TODO move this part to the garbage collector // check if the item should be removed from the index because it no longer matches the conditions $this->removeFromIndexAndQueueWhenItemInQueue($recordTable, $recordUid); continue; } // Clear existing index queue items to prevent mount point duplicates. // This needs to be done before the overlay handling, because handling an overlay record should // not trigger a deletion. $isTranslation = !empty($record['sys_language_uid']) && $record['sys_language_uid'] !== 0; if ($recordTable === 'pages' && !$isTranslation) { $this->indexQueue->deleteItem('pages', $recordUid); } // only update/insert the item if we actually found a record $isLocalizedRecord = $this->tcaService->isLocalizedRecord($recordTable, $record); $recordUid = $this->tcaService->getTranslationOriginalUidIfTranslated($recordTable, $record, $recordUid); if ($isLocalizedRecord && !$this->getIsTranslationParentRecordEnabled($recordTable, $recordUid)) { // we have a localized record without a visible parent record. Nothing to do. continue; } if ($this->tcaService->isEnabledRecord($recordTable, $record)) { $this->indexQueue->updateItem($recordTable, $recordUid); } if ($recordTable === 'pages') { $this->doPagesPostUpdateOperations($fields, $recordUid); } } } /** * This method is used to determine the pageId that should be used to retrieve the index queue configuration. * * @param string $recordTable * @param integer $recordPageId * @param integer $recordUid * @return integer */ protected function getConfigurationPageId($recordTable, $recordPageId, $recordUid) { $rootPageId = $this->rootPageResolver->getRootPageId($recordPageId); if ($this->rootPageResolver->getIsRootPageId($rootPageId)) { return $recordPageId; } $alternativeSiteRoots = $this->rootPageResolver->getAlternativeSiteRootPagesIds($recordTable, $recordUid, $recordPageId); $lastRootPage = array_pop($alternativeSiteRoots); return empty($lastRootPage) ? 0 : $lastRootPage; } /** * Checks if the parent record of the translated record is enabled. * * @param string $recordTable * @param integer $recordUid * @return bool */ protected function getIsTranslationParentRecordEnabled($recordTable, $recordUid) { $l10nParentRecord = (array)BackendUtility::getRecord($recordTable, $recordUid, '*', '', false); return $this->tcaService->isEnabledRecord($recordTable, $l10nParentRecord); } /** * Applies needed updates when a pages record was processed by the RecordMonitor. * * @param array $fields * @param int $recordUid */ protected function doPagesPostUpdateOperations(array $fields, $recordUid) { $this->updateCanonicalPages($recordUid); $this->mountPageUpdater->update($recordUid); if ($this->isRecursivePageUpdateRequired($recordUid, $fields)) { $treePageIds = $this->getSubPageIds($recordUid); $this->updatePageIdItems($treePageIds); } } /** * Determines the recordPageId (pid) of a record. * * @param string $status * @param string $recordTable * @param int $recordUid * @param int $originalUid * @param array $fields * @param DataHandler $tceMain * * @return int */ protected function getRecordPageId($status, $recordTable, $recordUid, $originalUid, array $fields, DataHandler $tceMain) { if ($recordTable === 'pages' && isset($fields['l10n_parent']) && intval($fields['l10n_parent']) > 0) { return $fields['l10n_parent']; } if ($status === 'update' && !isset($fields['pid'])) { $recordPageId = $this->getValidatedPid($tceMain, $recordTable, $recordUid); if (($recordTable === 'pages') && ($this->rootPageResolver->getIsRootPageId($recordUid))) { $recordPageId = $originalUid; } return $recordPageId; } return $fields['pid']; } /** * Applies the updateItem instruction on a collection of pageIds. * * @param array $treePageIds */ protected function updatePageIdItems(array $treePageIds) { foreach ($treePageIds as $treePageId) { $this->indexQueue->updateItem('pages', $treePageId); } } /** * Removes record from the index queue and from the solr index * * @param string $recordTable Name of table where the record lives * @param int $recordUid Id of record */ protected function removeFromIndexAndQueue($recordTable, $recordUid) { $garbageCollector = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(GarbageCollector::class); $garbageCollector->collectGarbage($recordTable, $recordUid); } /** * Removes record from the index queue and from the solr index when the item is in the queue. * * @param string $recordTable Name of table where the record lives * @param int $recordUid Id of record */ protected function removeFromIndexAndQueueWhenItemInQueue($recordTable, $recordUid) { if (!$this->indexQueue->containsItem($recordTable, $recordUid)) { return; } $this->removeFromIndexAndQueue($recordTable, $recordUid); } // Handle pages showing content from another page /** * Triggers Index Queue updates for other pages showing content from the * page currently being updated. * * @param int $pageId UID of the page currently being updated */ protected function updateCanonicalPages($pageId) { $canonicalPages = $this->pagesRepository->findPageUidsWithContentsFromPid((int)$pageId); foreach ($canonicalPages as $page) { $this->indexQueue->updateItem('pages', $page['uid']); } } /** * Retrieves the pid of a record and throws an exception when getPid returns false. * * @param DataHandler $tceMain * @param string $table * @param integer $uid * @throws NoPidException * @return integer */ protected function getValidatedPid(DataHandler $tceMain, $table, $uid) { $pid = $tceMain->getPID($table, $uid); if ($pid === false) { throw new NoPidException('Pid should not be false'); } $pid = intval($pid); return $pid; } /** * Checks if the record is a draft record. * * @param string $table * @param int $uid * @return bool */ protected function isDraftRecord($table, $uid) { return Util::isDraftRecord($table, $uid); } /** * @param $pageId * @param bool $initializeTsfe * @param int $language * @return TypoScriptConfiguration */ protected function getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($pageId) { return $this->frontendEnvironment->getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($pageId); } }