$sDate parsed, or false on error. */ function strptime($sDate, $sFormat) { $aResult = array( 'tm_sec' => 0, 'tm_min' => 0, 'tm_hour' => 0, 'tm_mday' => 1, 'tm_mon' => 0, 'tm_year' => 0, 'tm_wday' => 0, 'tm_yday' => 0, 'unparsed' => $sDate, ); while ($sFormat != "") { // ===== Search a %x element, Check the static string before the %x ===== $nIdxFound = strpos($sFormat, '%'); if ($nIdxFound === false) { // There is no more format. Check the last static string. $aResult['unparsed'] = ($sFormat == $sDate) ? "" : $sDate; break; } $sFormatBefore = substr($sFormat, 0, $nIdxFound); $sDateBefore = substr($sDate, 0, $nIdxFound); if ($sFormatBefore != $sDateBefore) { break; } // ===== Read the value of the %x found ===== $sFormat = substr($sFormat, $nIdxFound); $sDate = substr($sDate, $nIdxFound); $aResult['unparsed'] = $sDate; $sFormatCurrent = substr($sFormat, 0, 2); $sFormatAfter = substr($sFormat, 2); $nValue = -1; $sDateAfter = ""; switch ($sFormatCurrent) { case '%S': // Seconds after the minute (0-59) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if (($nValue < 0) || ($nValue > 59)) { return false; } $aResult['tm_sec'] = $nValue; break; // ---------- case '%M': // Minutes after the hour (0-59) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if (($nValue < 0) || ($nValue > 59)) { return false; } $aResult['tm_min'] = $nValue; break; // ---------- case '%H': // Hour since midnight (0-23) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if (($nValue < 0) || ($nValue > 23)) { return false; } $aResult['tm_hour'] = $nValue; break; // ---------- case '%d': // Day of the month (1-31) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if (($nValue < 1) || ($nValue > 31)) { return false; } $aResult['tm_mday'] = $nValue; break; // ---------- case '%m': // Months since January (0-11) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if (($nValue < 1) || ($nValue > 12)) { return false; } $aResult['tm_mon'] = ($nValue - 1); break; // ---------- case '%Y': // Years since 1900 sscanf($sDate, "%4d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if ($nValue < 1900) { return false; } $aResult['tm_year'] = ($nValue - 1900); break; // ---------- default: break 2; // Break Switch and while } // END of case format // ===== Next please ===== $sFormat = $sFormatAfter; $sDate = $sDateAfter; $aResult['unparsed'] = $sDate; } // END of while($sFormat != "") // ===== Create the other value of the result array ===== $nParsedDateTimestamp = mktime($aResult['tm_hour'], $aResult['tm_min'], $aResult['tm_sec'], $aResult['tm_mon'] + 1, $aResult['tm_mday'], $aResult['tm_year'] + 1900); // Before PHP 5.1 return -1 when error if (($nParsedDateTimestamp === false) || ($nParsedDateTimestamp === -1) ) { return false; } $aResult['tm_wday'] = (int)strftime("%w", $nParsedDateTimestamp); // Days since Sunday (0-6) $aResult['tm_yday'] = (strftime("%j", $nParsedDateTimestamp) - 1); // Days since January 1 (0-365) return $aResult; } // END of function }