* * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\Cache\TwoLevelCache; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\System\Records\AbstractRepository; use WapplerSystems\Meilisearch\Util; use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\QueryBuilder; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Restriction\DeletedRestriction; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; /** * PagesRepository to encapsulate the database access. */ class PagesRepository extends AbstractRepository { /** * @var string */ protected $table = 'pages'; /** * @var TwoLevelCache */ protected $transientVariableCache; /** * PagesRepository constructor. * * @param TwoLevelCache|null $transientVariableCache */ public function __construct(TwoLevelCache $transientVariableCache = null) { $this->transientVariableCache = $transientVariableCache ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TwoLevelCache::class, /** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ 'cache_runtime'); } /** * Gets the site's root pages. The "Is root of website" flag must be set, * which usually is the case for pages with pid = 0. * * @return array An array of (partial) root page records, containing the uid and title fields */ public function findAllRootPages() { $queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder ->select('uid', 'title') ->from($this->table) ->where( $queryBuilder->expr()->neq('pid', -1), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('is_siteroot', 1) ); $this->addDefaultLanguageUidConstraint($queryBuilder); return $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchAll(); } /** * Finds the MountPointProperties array for mount points(destinations) by mounted page UID(source) or by the rootline array of mounted page. * * @param int $mountedPageUid * @param array $rootLineParentPageIds * @return array */ public function findMountPointPropertiesByPageIdOrByRootLineParentPageIds(int $mountedPageUid, array $rootLineParentPageIds = []) : array { if (array_filter($rootLineParentPageIds, 'is_int') !== $rootLineParentPageIds) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Given $rootLineParentPageIds array is not valid. Allowed only the arrays with the root line page UIDs as integers.', 1502459711); } $queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->select('uid', 'uid AS mountPageDestination', 'mount_pid AS mountPageSource', 'mount_pid_ol AS mountPageOverlayed')->from($this->table); $queryBuilder = $this->addWhereClauseForMountpointDestinationProperties($queryBuilder, $mountedPageUid, $rootLineParentPageIds); $result = $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchAll(); return $result; } /** * This methods builds the where clause for the mountpoint destinations. It retrieves all records where the mount_pid = $mountedPageUid or the mount_pid is * in the rootLineParentPageIds. * * @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder * @param int $mountedPageUid * @param array $rootLineParentPageIds * @return QueryBuilder */ protected function addWhereClauseForMountpointDestinationProperties(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $mountedPageUid, array $rootLineParentPageIds) : QueryBuilder { if (empty($rootLineParentPageIds)) { $queryBuilder->andWhere( $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('doktype', 7), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('no_search', 0), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('mount_pid', $mountedPageUid), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('mount_pid_ol', 1) ); } else { $queryBuilder->andWhere( $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('doktype', 7), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('no_search', 0), $queryBuilder->expr()->orX( $queryBuilder->expr()->andX( $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('mount_pid', $mountedPageUid), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('mount_pid_ol', 1) ), $queryBuilder->expr()->in('mount_pid', $rootLineParentPageIds) ) ); } $this->addDefaultLanguageUidConstraint($queryBuilder); return $queryBuilder; } /** * Generates a list of page IDs in this site. * Attention: Includes all page types except Deleted pages! * * @param int $rootPageId Page ID from where to start collection sub pages * @param int $maxDepth Maximum depth to descend into the site tree * @param string $initialPagesAdditionalWhereClause * @return array Array of pages (IDs) in this site */ public function findAllSubPageIdsByRootPage(int $rootPageId, int $maxDepth = 999, string $initialPagesAdditionalWhereClause = '') : array { $pageIds = []; $recursionRootPageId = $rootPageId; // when we have a cached value, we can return it. $cacheIdentifier = sha1('getPages' . (string)$rootPageId); if ($this->transientVariableCache->get($cacheIdentifier) !== false) { return $this->transientVariableCache->get($cacheIdentifier); } if ($maxDepth <= 0) { // exiting the recursion loop, may write to cache now $this->transientVariableCache->set($cacheIdentifier, $pageIds); return $pageIds; } // get the page ids of the current level and if needed call getPages recursive $pageIds = $this->getPageIdsFromCurrentDepthAndCallRecursive($maxDepth, $recursionRootPageId, $pageIds, $initialPagesAdditionalWhereClause); // exiting the recursion loop, may write to cache now $this->transientVariableCache->set($cacheIdentifier, $pageIds); return $pageIds; } /** * This method retrieves the pages ids from the current tree level an calls getPages recursive, * when the maxDepth has not been reached. * * @param int $maxDepth * @param int $recursionRootPageId * @param array $pageIds * @param string $initialPagesAdditionalWhereClause * @return array */ protected function getPageIdsFromCurrentDepthAndCallRecursive(int $maxDepth, int $recursionRootPageId, array $pageIds, string $initialPagesAdditionalWhereClause = '') { $queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll()->add(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DeletedRestriction::class)); $queryBuilder ->select('uid') ->from($this->table) ->where( $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('pid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($recursionRootPageId, \PDO::PARAM_INT)) ); $this->addDefaultLanguageUidConstraint($queryBuilder); if (!empty($initialPagesAdditionalWhereClause)) { $queryBuilder->andWhere($initialPagesAdditionalWhereClause); } $resultSet = $queryBuilder->execute(); while ($page = $resultSet->fetch()) { $pageIds[] = $page['uid']; if ($maxDepth > 1) { $pageIds = array_merge($pageIds, $this->findAllSubPageIdsByRootPage($page['uid'], $maxDepth - 1)); } } return $pageIds; } /** * Finds translation overlays by given page Id. * * @param int $pageId * @return array */ public function findTranslationOverlaysByPageId(int $pageId) : array { $queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll(); $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->add(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DeletedRestriction::class)); return $queryBuilder ->select('pid', 'l10n_parent', 'sys_language_uid') ->from('pages') ->add('where', $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('l10n_parent', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($pageId, \PDO::PARAM_INT)) . BackendUtility::BEenableFields('pages') )->execute()->fetchAll(); } /** * Finds Pages, which are showing content from the page currently being updated. * * @param int $pageId UID of the page currently being updated * @return array with page Uids from pages, which are showing contents from given Page Id */ public function findPageUidsWithContentsFromPid(int $pageId) : array { $queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll(); $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->add(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DeletedRestriction::class)); $queryBuilder ->select('uid') ->from($this->table) ->add('where', $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('content_from_pid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($pageId, \PDO::PARAM_INT)) ); $this->addDefaultLanguageUidConstraint($queryBuilder); return $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchAll(); } /** * Finds all pages by given where clause * * @param string $whereClause * @return array */ public function findAllMountPagesByWhereClause(string $whereClause) : array { $queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll(); $queryBuilder ->select( 'uid', 'mount_pid AS mountPageSource', 'uid AS mountPageDestination', 'mount_pid_ol AS mountPageOverlayed') ->from($this->table) ->add('where', $whereClause); $this->addDefaultLanguageUidConstraint($queryBuilder); return $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchAll(); } /** * Limits the pages to the sys_language_uid = 0 (default language) * * @param $queryBuilder */ protected function addDefaultLanguageUidConstraint($queryBuilder) { $queryBuilder->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('sys_language_uid', 0)); } }