Please choose other page in the page tree, which has meilisearch configured.

When all of these steps are done check this module again.

Please check the following:

If you want to use meilisearch with the TYPO3 site configuration:

  • Your site has a page, marked as root page.
  • Configure EXT:meilisearch with the TYPO3 site module.
  • Check the reports module if any meilisearch error is shown.


If you want to use meilisearch with the legacy configuration (domain record and typoscript of EXTCONF setup):

  • Your site has a domain configured, please create a domain record on the root page, or configure it in "TYPO3_CONF_VARS|EXTCONF|meilisearch|sites|###rootPageId###|domains"
  • Your site has a page, marked as root page.
  • Your page has included the meilisearch typoscript configuration.
  • You've initialized the meilisearch connections in the backend with the menu item "Initialize meilisearch connections"
  • Afterwards please check if the reports module is showing any errors.